Model Modification History

The WRF-GC model used for our forecasts is based on the standard code but with modifications made by our research group. Below is a history of the modifications and tunings performed.

Date Version Details
November 23, 2023 v2.0 Improvement Release
  • Update WRF-GC to WRF-Urban-GC.
  • Uses multi-layer nesting with a 27km outer resolution and a 3km resolution in the PRD region.
  • Uses emission inventory from MECI(2019, 0.25x0.25 degree), Guangdong province(3x3km) and Shenzhen(500x500m).
March 18, 2018 v0.30 Improvement Release
  • Improved MOZART Boundary Conditions by H. Tian
  • Uses per-province emission scale factors developed by our group to match 2015 emissions.
October 7, 2017 v0.20 Improvement Release
  • Using 2-domains in a new configuration.
  • Improved Units & Species Labeling in NCL Graphs.
  • Using new MOZART factors for Boundary Conditions, based on "Conversion MOZART -> WRF-Chem" by Alma Hodzic, Feb. 2013.
September 22, 2017 v0.11 Updated depvel_drop from 0.1 to 0.003 in phys/module_mixactivate.f
September 20, 2017 v0.1 Initial Release

Web Interface Modification History

Our web interface is constantly improved to help our users better use our forecast data. Below is a list of improvements.

Date Version Details
March 4, 2018 v0.20c This release complements Model v0.20 and introduces a revamped homepage with better presentation and customization, allowing you to keep track of major cities in Mainland China.
We are in the progress of adding more cities to the supported list.

全新的主页给您更清晰的数据信息, 并允许您个性化主页以追踪中国大陆主要城市的空气预报动态. 目前只支持部分城市, 其他城市暂缓开通.

Due to technical difficulties, overlays of observation data from China MEP have been interrupted until further notice.
November 21, 2017 v0.20b This release complements Model v0.20 and introduces a brand new way to retrieve information from our model.
  • For past forecast images, observation data from the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection (China MEP) is overlayed if available.1
  • A brand new homepage with at-a-glance view for common pollutant species for three major cities in China - Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. We will add support for more cities in the future.

1 Note: MEP data is not available in real time and currently is overlayed on a small subset of major Chinese cities. We are working hard to improve this functionality.
November 5, 2017 v0.20a This release complements Model v0.20 and extracts more data from our model.
  • Added species: CO, PM10
  • Improved China Geographical Data.
  • Some minor spelling fixes in the interface.
October 7, 2017 v0.20 Improvement Release (Released with Model v0.20)
  • Improved Units & Species Labeling in NCL Graphs.